Monday, June 21, 2010

Beauty of Silence

Alas, it has been TWO weeks TOO many since I last posted. Needless to say, the beautiful chaos of caring for twin infants leaves little time for meals and showers much less blogging. But I finally find myself here at the desk... all are fed, bathed and snoozing... quiet. I have forgotten the beauty of complete silence. :)

Well, I would love to go into of every detail of the past two wonderful weeks my two little ones and I have spent together but we both know how lengthy that could and surely would become. So I will try my best to pack it all into an update of sorts.  As of their one month check up, Graham weighed 10 pounds and 4 ounces and was 23 inches long and Miss Evie Kate was 8 pounds 12 ounces and 21 and 3/4 inches long. It is crazy how much they have grown over the last 6 weeks. It's almost as if you don't notice until you can't fit on those precious newborn outfits anymore.

 Stewart and I are loving every moment of getting to know each of their wonderful personalities which are really beginning to shine through these last few weeks. Graham continues to be all of our entertainment with his face full of expression and tummy never quite full enough it seems. Evie remains ever sweet, although a sensitive tummy has caused a little bit of fussiness.  Graham seems to be the most alert in the morning, Evie the evenings ,which keeps Mommy quite busy but constantly entertained no doubt. 

Finally  the "schedule" of eating and sleeping is starting to come together. We haven't quite made it through the night, but here and there each of them has slept 5 hours.. Unfortunately not the SAME 5 hours. It's a work in progress though. I will be returning to work in 2 weeks so hopefully things will come together and as I hear from some of my fellow mommies, it may be the very last night before I go to work that they snooze through the night.

Well, off to tend to the tower of laundry. :)

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