Thursday, October 21, 2010

Just Pictures... What you guys really want.

I am not silly enough to think that you guys would rather read my rambling so we will just skip that part this time and go straight to the pictures of these two adorable kiddos. :) But next time you will have to suffer through my sentimental mommy chatter! :) Here are a few pictures of the last few months!  Hope you enjoy!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Once again, I find myself beginning yet another blog with an apology for the lack of consistent blogging. I assume I am forgiven seeing as how I can't seem to change two diapers or feed two mouths and type at the same time, although I have tried and failed quite a few times. :)

Evie Kate and Graham are growing so much these days! It feels wonderful as a mommy to know they are healthy and growing but sometimes you wish you could just hug them and squeeze them tight enough that they would stay tiny forever. Alas, they are growing in so many more ways than one. Their curious little eyes and hands want to see and touch everything.. finally "playing" with some toys and by that I mean swatting at. It is so precious to watch them smile and coo at everything around them; I wish I saw the world through their eyes often. Yes indeed the smiling and cooing is in full force and I am loving every single one! Evie Kate is our Chatty Cathy at night right after her bath and feeding and Graham... well he always has something to say and thinks everything is hilarious. :)

It is so true that those first smiles are priceless as a parent. It melts your heart in an instant. Those sweet smiles are well worth the last 8 weeks of sleep depravation. :)  I simply can't wait for those first words but are hoping these two hold off on the crawling and walking for a while; I can only imagine how fun that is going to be.

I officially return to work Wednesday, July 7th. Bittersweet really is the word for my feelings. I know I am going to cry crocodile tears when their grandmommy comes to get them, but honestly it will be nice to return to an "adult" environment and my old routine. I am so thankful for my job and have missed all those I work with so much. Needless to say my desk will be wall-papered in their photos.

Oh, exciting news! Evie Kate's hair is growing back!! Indeed, she has some lovely dark brown hair coming in just like mommy! Graham, unfortunately has fallen victim to an adorable heart-shaped recession. :)  I love how delightfully different their looks and personalities are; we truly are so blessed with two amazing children.

Well, Graham is "calling" me ever so politely from his crib so I must go. Wish me luck!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Beauty of Silence

Alas, it has been TWO weeks TOO many since I last posted. Needless to say, the beautiful chaos of caring for twin infants leaves little time for meals and showers much less blogging. But I finally find myself here at the desk... all are fed, bathed and snoozing... quiet. I have forgotten the beauty of complete silence. :)

Well, I would love to go into of every detail of the past two wonderful weeks my two little ones and I have spent together but we both know how lengthy that could and surely would become. So I will try my best to pack it all into an update of sorts.  As of their one month check up, Graham weighed 10 pounds and 4 ounces and was 23 inches long and Miss Evie Kate was 8 pounds 12 ounces and 21 and 3/4 inches long. It is crazy how much they have grown over the last 6 weeks. It's almost as if you don't notice until you can't fit on those precious newborn outfits anymore.

 Stewart and I are loving every moment of getting to know each of their wonderful personalities which are really beginning to shine through these last few weeks. Graham continues to be all of our entertainment with his face full of expression and tummy never quite full enough it seems. Evie remains ever sweet, although a sensitive tummy has caused a little bit of fussiness.  Graham seems to be the most alert in the morning, Evie the evenings ,which keeps Mommy quite busy but constantly entertained no doubt. 

Finally  the "schedule" of eating and sleeping is starting to come together. We haven't quite made it through the night, but here and there each of them has slept 5 hours.. Unfortunately not the SAME 5 hours. It's a work in progress though. I will be returning to work in 2 weeks so hopefully things will come together and as I hear from some of my fellow mommies, it may be the very last night before I go to work that they snooze through the night.

Well, off to tend to the tower of laundry. :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

4 Mile Soy Chai Latte

Today was one of those days that you just can't stop smiling.  Graham, Evie, and I ventured out for our first walk and ended up doing a little more walking than any of us had planned.  I packed up my car and drove to nearby downtown Homewood: a great place with cute shopping, sidewalks, and most importantly a lovely coffee shop. We parked and I constructed the ENTIRE Graco DuoGlider with both carseats. I was so proud of myself for doing it completely alone and in record time, may I add. So we began to stroll.....

Our first stop of course was O'Henry's Coffee Shop.  Upon reaching the register I realized I had left my wallet at home. But remember as I said, today was just one of those days you just have to smile. So we backed our twin-wagon out of the shop and stood on the sidewalk, smiling.  We had a decision to make; go back to the car, tear down the stroller, put the carseats back in and go home to retrieve the wallet OR walk 2 miles home and 2 miles back.... we chose the latter. :)

Of course, Mommy had to re-apply her deodorant once home, but we made it and I am not lying when I say that was THE best coffee drink I have ever had.  I was so proud of Evie and Graham; they slept the entire way. :) It felt great to get some exercise and be out of the house.  I wonder what people were thinking when they saw this lady pushing a double stroller down Old Montgomery Highway? It makes me smile.. and I hope it made you smile too. 

So we are trying to maintain a day and night routine for our sweet little ones. Feedings every three hours and then bathtime, last feeding, and bed at 8:00p.m. Some days this is more successful than others, but I think they are starting to fall into the swing of things.. Evie at least.  :)  My darling Graham still seems to think he runs the show and from the looks of things, he really does. Oh well.. in time it will all work out. 

I am hoping to have professional pictures taken of the twins soon.  I just need to find Evie a dress and some much-needed headbands to grace her sweet balding head. :) I am actually thinking of just making them seeing as how when I shop for them, places are charging between $5 and $10 for a simple piece of lace with a bow. 

Well, it seems Mr. Graham is hungry yet again, so I must go, but I will try my best to post more often.  :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wooten's Wonderful Wonders

I know, I know... I haven't been keeping up with this blog as I should. Granted, I have been keeping up with the two most adorable babies in greater Birmingham. :) 

Alas, the babies are three and a half weeks old and besides being sleep deprived and unbathed, I am so blessed and overjoyed to have them in my life.  I am so thankful for friends and family who excuse my smell and have showered so much love on our family these last few weeks.

We are desperately struggling to put TWO infants on ONE eating/sleeping schedule; there are good days and there are bad days, but I know each day draws us closer.  Their sweet personalities are starting to shine with Graham our curious and wide-eyed spectator and Evie our sweet and patient lady. They are growing so fast and as of their two week appointment Graham weighed 8 pounds and 5 ounces and Evie was 6 pounds and 11 ounces.  I am such a proud mommy!

Graham has finally warmed up to bath time and we started "tub bathing" last week. My precious Evie continues to love every moment of bathing, lotioning, changing outfits and brushing her hair. Unfortunately, I have noticed that her beautiful hair is beginning to recede, and I regret to say that she is indeed losing it. I am so curious to see what color replaces it and can't wait to start putting in the ribbons and bows!

I have learned so many things in my first month of motherhood. I have found that having two swings was not in the least bit a waste of money. I can multi-task FAR more than I ever thought humanly possible. Babies require more clothes washing than an entire football team I am sure. Twins fill up a diaper genie in about 2 days. I have finally had to let go of my incessant need to clean and organize and just let my house fall apart.

God gives you children to teach you so much about yourself.  It amazes me what I see in and through them. I have a better understanding of unconditional love.  I don't know what my life was like before Evie and Graham and I am daily thankful for them.  Being needed by these sweet babies gives me all the purpose and joy I could ever imagine.  I really understand why my mother always called us her "heart and soul".

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sleeping Beauty and Sir Eats-a-lot

It is simply unreal to me how fast time has flown.  Evie and Graham are 10 days old today... the best 10 days of my life, no doubt.  It's amazing how having children reminds you how simple life can, and possibly should be.  All we need is love. We must enjoy every moment while we are in it, regardless of what it is. They have already taught me so much about myself.  Graham continues to be my constant eater and cuddle buddy, Evie remains my content sleeping beauty.  Days are getting easier and things are falling into more of a routine thankfully.  I simply can't wait to get out of these four walls, not only for my own sanity, but also to show off my beautiful babes! I am such a proud mommy. :) We are hoping to go for our first walk this Sunday. :) Don't worry,many pictures are soon to follow.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Alas, we are all finally home from the hospital and this past week, although quite a blur, has been absolutely wonderful. The belly picture of me is at 38 1/2 weeks, and if I only knew then what was to come... oh wow. I have loved every single moment of being a mommy... even those sleepless nights with the two of them competing to see who can scream the longest and loudest. :)  I love how delightfully different Evie and Graham are; how the Lord made each of them special and gave them to me. I feel so blessed and priveleged to be their mommy; it has been the greatest honor.  As I was saying though, the only thing these two share  is their birthday; they could be no more opposite. My handsome Graham refuses to miss a thing with his eyes (and hungry mouth) wide open at ALL times. He is so alert and observative and brings us all plenty of laughs and smiles. Evie,on the other hand, is quite alright with sleeping the day away and one would be fortunate to catch a glimpse of her eyes, but oh does she love her arms and fingers, fully stretching every inch of them.  I am still not sure how aware they are of one another at this point, seeing as how one can be literally screaming in the other's ear and the latter will remain in a complete blissful slumber.  They do love to cuddle though, no doubt and all the grandmommy's, aunts, and myself have tried to catch as many of these adorable moments on film as possible. We had our first sponge bath on Tuesday and Evie and I had a wonderful time. Unfortunately, little Mr. Graham did NOT share the same sentiment for this time of soap and suds. :)  I can't wait to see what the next days and weeks have to come and I will try my best between diaper changes to share it with you. :) Motherhood truly is the greatest blessing.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Sweet Evie and Graham

Just pictures for now, but I will have ever so much to share about these sweet babies soon!

Friday, May 7, 2010

From two to four in FOUR days!!

Only just two for a few more days! I can't believe it's already here. I can't believe I will be holding Evie and Graham this time next week. It all has gone by so fast. In my "mommy reading", it tells me to savor these last few moments of pregnancy for I will miss them.... trying to do just that. It will be strange not to feel their little kicks and hiccups throughout the day, but I simply can't wait to hold them. Putting the finishing touches on baby preparations; it has been quite a process preparing for two babies.  The journey has been wonderful though every step of the way.  I am so excited to be a mother; so thrilled to meet my sweet little ones.  My c-section is scheduled for May 11th, and although I am a little nervous; excitement definitely out-weighs all fear.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Riding in Style

The Graco Duoglider Travel System... oh what wonderful things man can make.

37 weeks & 5 days

Alas, THE belly at 37 weeks and 5 days. If you will notice, my hospital suitcase is packed and ready on the bed behind me.

Success At Last!!

FINALLY!!! The blog is looking so much better! I think I have got the hang of it now. Anywho, just wanted to do a "blog victory dance" of sorts. :) So ready to start posting pictures and stories about Evie and Graham. Don't you worry though, I will keep updates of the ever-growing belly as the time draws near.

Days NOT weeks!

It is so incredible to know that it is a matter of days now, NOT weeks until they will be here. Definitely going into nesting overdrive! I have loved being pregnant, but will gladly trade in two swollen feet for two adorable little ones! :)  One shelf and two wooden letters away from nursery perfection; so pleased with how it all turned out. I wanted a shabby chic, old-timey look and I think we have finally accomplished just that. Started on their baby books the other day; such a sweet time. So thankful for the loving support of family and friends; it has been such a tremendous help. Alas, back to nesting I must go!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blogger Befounded

It seems that along with my Myspace I had when I was 14, my skills of using html are but a childhood memory. I am having an embarrassingly significant amount of difficulty customizing my blog as far as template, photos, and music. Hopefully, I can master it before the babies get here. :) I found myself laughing aloud today as I had to read a tutorial written my a freshman in high school to help me add a playlist to my blog, which ultimately I did incorrectly as well. Alas, I will not be defeated!

Feeling great today. I had the car seats installed by the Vestavia Hills Fire Department this afternoon; it's comforting to know that my little ones will be snug and safe.  Still getting the shocked reaction when I tell people I am expecting twins; guess I should take it as a compliment. The ride home with my two little carseats nestled in my back seat was a sweet one. Granted although they are empty, it still gave me warm, fuzzy mommy feelings all over. :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ordered their Pack and Play today!

Finally decided that a pack and play would indeed be a lot of help with two little ones. At least I will have a safe place to keep one "contained" while I tend to the other. So thankful for the Target gift cards from friends and loved ones that made this a reality. I am sure Daddy can't wait to put it together. :)

These last few weeks have been kind of hard, I'm not going to lie. The anticipation is a little more difficult than I thought it would be.... I am just so ready for them to be here, dirty diapers, snotty noses and all. It's literally all I think about ALL day, and all night seeing as how sleep is but a memory. :) I must continue to remind myself how good it is for them to stay snug in my belly as long as possible, but oh how I can't wait to see them. In the mean time, I try to busy myself... I have washed every stitch of their clothing and organized it by size and type and followed suit with the diapers. Hoping to paint a shelf and some letters for their room this weekend.

Becoming a mother begins ever so long before you hold your precious bundle(s) in your arms. It becomes you, as it should, from the moment you find out you are expecting. I have always felt that once one becomes a mother, that becomes her life, her purpose. I feel it more now than ever. I really do believe I am on the edge of one of the most enriching phases of my life as a woman.

37 weeks and counting....

Granted Evie and Graham are indeed breech :)

"You are still here!? And still pregnant!?"
These were the exact words as my doctor entered the room at my 37 week appointment yesterday. Indeed, I am STILL very much pregnant with my sweet twins, and am so glad to know that they are getting chubbier by the minute, and by the amount of oreos I consumed last week, I'd say they are sure to be HUGE when they make their debut.

I have been ever so blessed to have a seemingly perfect pregnancy. Still working full time at Dr. Ramsay's office, but my hospital bags are packed and ready. :) Doctor says we can schedule the c-section at my 39 week appointment, which will be May 11th!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nursery photos for your viewing pleasure

Mommy and Daddy's bed for the next few weeks, months, years....

Not one, but TWO cribs

"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone O Lord, will keep me safe." Psalm 4:8

Lovely view of the closet

Graham Keith's bed

Evie Kate's bed

Roughly 600 diaper changes a month

36 weeks