Thursday, April 29, 2010

Blogger Befounded

It seems that along with my Myspace I had when I was 14, my skills of using html are but a childhood memory. I am having an embarrassingly significant amount of difficulty customizing my blog as far as template, photos, and music. Hopefully, I can master it before the babies get here. :) I found myself laughing aloud today as I had to read a tutorial written my a freshman in high school to help me add a playlist to my blog, which ultimately I did incorrectly as well. Alas, I will not be defeated!

Feeling great today. I had the car seats installed by the Vestavia Hills Fire Department this afternoon; it's comforting to know that my little ones will be snug and safe.  Still getting the shocked reaction when I tell people I am expecting twins; guess I should take it as a compliment. The ride home with my two little carseats nestled in my back seat was a sweet one. Granted although they are empty, it still gave me warm, fuzzy mommy feelings all over. :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ordered their Pack and Play today!

Finally decided that a pack and play would indeed be a lot of help with two little ones. At least I will have a safe place to keep one "contained" while I tend to the other. So thankful for the Target gift cards from friends and loved ones that made this a reality. I am sure Daddy can't wait to put it together. :)

These last few weeks have been kind of hard, I'm not going to lie. The anticipation is a little more difficult than I thought it would be.... I am just so ready for them to be here, dirty diapers, snotty noses and all. It's literally all I think about ALL day, and all night seeing as how sleep is but a memory. :) I must continue to remind myself how good it is for them to stay snug in my belly as long as possible, but oh how I can't wait to see them. In the mean time, I try to busy myself... I have washed every stitch of their clothing and organized it by size and type and followed suit with the diapers. Hoping to paint a shelf and some letters for their room this weekend.

Becoming a mother begins ever so long before you hold your precious bundle(s) in your arms. It becomes you, as it should, from the moment you find out you are expecting. I have always felt that once one becomes a mother, that becomes her life, her purpose. I feel it more now than ever. I really do believe I am on the edge of one of the most enriching phases of my life as a woman.

37 weeks and counting....

Granted Evie and Graham are indeed breech :)

"You are still here!? And still pregnant!?"
These were the exact words as my doctor entered the room at my 37 week appointment yesterday. Indeed, I am STILL very much pregnant with my sweet twins, and am so glad to know that they are getting chubbier by the minute, and by the amount of oreos I consumed last week, I'd say they are sure to be HUGE when they make their debut.

I have been ever so blessed to have a seemingly perfect pregnancy. Still working full time at Dr. Ramsay's office, but my hospital bags are packed and ready. :) Doctor says we can schedule the c-section at my 39 week appointment, which will be May 11th!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Nursery photos for your viewing pleasure

Mommy and Daddy's bed for the next few weeks, months, years....

Not one, but TWO cribs

"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone O Lord, will keep me safe." Psalm 4:8

Lovely view of the closet

Graham Keith's bed

Evie Kate's bed

Roughly 600 diaper changes a month

36 weeks